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 Art Garfunkel (All I know)

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Driss Boudhan
Driss Boudhan

Nombre de messages : 13504
Localisation : Nador
Emploi : Professeur
Loisirs : Musique,lecture,poésie,photo....
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2008

Art Garfunkel (All I know) Empty
MessageSujet: Art Garfunkel (All I know)   Art Garfunkel (All I know) Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai - 10:18

I bruise you, you bruise me
We both bruise too easily
Too easily to let it show
I love you, and that's all I know

All my plans have fallen through
All my plans depend on you
Depend on you to help them grow
I love you, and that's all I know

When the singer's gone
Let the song go on...

But the ending always comes at last
Endings always come too fast
They come too fast, but they pass too slow
I love you, and that's all I know

When the singer's gone
Let the song go on
It's a fine line between the darkness and the dawn
They say the darkest night
There's a light beyond

But the ending always comes at last
Endings always come too fast
They come too fast, but they pass too slow
I love you, and that's all I know
That's all I know
That's all I know

Art Garfunkel (All I know) Garfun10
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Art Garfunkel (All I know)
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