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 Lionel Richie :say you say me

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Nombre de messages : 10309
Localisation : Meknès
Emploi : prof
Loisirs : lecture..musique
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2007

Lionel Richie :say you say me Empty
MessageSujet: Lionel Richie :say you say me   Lionel Richie :say you say me Icon_minitimeMer 9 Déc - 6:24

Un chanteur de soul exceptionnel ..qqn qui a travaillé avec des grands comme rogy rogers et michael chanson que je vous dédie est ma préférée de lionel..
Say you, say me; say it for always
Thats the way it should be
Say you, say me; say it together

I had a dream I had an awesome dream
People in the park playing games in the dark
And what they played was a masquerade
And from behind of walls of doubt a voice was crying out

Say you, say me... (chorus)

As we go down lifes lonesome highway
Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two
A helping hand - some one who understands
That when you feel youve lost your way
Youve got some one there to say Ill show you


So you think you know the answers - oh no
couse the whole world has got you dancing

Thats right - Im telling you
Its time to start believing - oh yes
Believing who you are: you are a shining star


Say it together... naturally
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