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 A mon avis c'est sculpté...

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4 participants
membre distingué

Nombre de messages : 2133
Localisation : Maroc
Emploi : dans le privé
Loisirs : Lecture ,Musique et sport.
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2009

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitimeMer 28 Avr - 17:55

Nareepol tree

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Nareepol-tree1

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Nareepol-tree2

This is amazing tree named "Nareepol" in Thai. Naree means "girl/woman" and pol means plant/tree or "buah" in Malay. It means women tree. It is amazing what God create the World in many forms that amused human beings….

You can see the real tree at Petchaboon province about almost 500 kms away from Bangkok.

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membre distingué

Nombre de messages : 2133
Localisation : Maroc
Emploi : dans le privé
Loisirs : Lecture ,Musique et sport.
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2009

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitimeMer 28 Avr - 17:57

According to this fanciful message, which is making the rounds of the Internet via email, blogs and forums, the accompanying photographs depict an amazing tree in Thailand that grows fruit in human shape. The images show what appears to be small, perfectly formed figures of women "growing" from amid the leaves of the tree.

Many people apparently believe that the Nareepol Tree and its improbable fruit really exists and, although they have never seen it "in the flesh" (so to speak), some have even come to regard it as a sacred object. However, the Nareepol Tree is almost certainly nothing more than a hoax. If such an amazing phenomenon was real, the tree would undoubtedly be quite famous and there would be many media reports published about it all around the world. The scientific community and religious groups would also have examined the tree and published their findings. Instead, the only information about the alleged Nareepol Tree is in versions of the above message.

Moreover, the three photographs above appear to be the only images of the tree available. Given the self-publishing power provided by the Internet, if the tree was real, there would surely be myriad photographs of the tree available on many different blogs, travel websites and photo sharing websites.

According to the message, the Nareepol Tree is located in the Petchaboon province. So, if the tree and its fruit really existed, it would likely be a major tourist attraction for the region and promoted as such. However, the tree is not listed as an attraction on any credible travel related websites for the Petchaboon province.

Thus, it seems very probable that some unknown prankster has created the hoax by cleverly attaching a few man-made figurines to an ordinary tree's branches and then taking some photographs to document his "creation". The junction where each "fruit" joins the branch is conveniently obscured by leaves, perhaps to hide the wire or twine that holds it aloft. And, the figures look too uniform to be natural. Except for the positioning of the arms, each piece of "fruit" is virtually identical in size and colour. Real fruit is likely to vary considerably in size, hue and quality, even when growing on the same tree.

The description of the Nareepol Tree and the photographs of its "fruit" are amusing and the message is basically harmless so long as recipients do not take its claims seriously.
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membre distingué

Nombre de messages : 2133
Localisation : Maroc
Emploi : dans le privé
Loisirs : Lecture ,Musique et sport.
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2009

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitimeMer 28 Avr - 18:01
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Nombre de messages : 6208
Localisation : Meknes/MOrOccO
Emploi : PrOf
Loisirs : reading...
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2007

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitimeMer 28 Avr - 18:07

so it's only a hoax..but it's fantastic & poetical to think of women growing from the leaves of a tree.thanks hanane9.
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membre distingué

Nombre de messages : 2133
Localisation : Maroc
Emploi : dans le privé
Loisirs : Lecture ,Musique et sport.
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2009

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitimeMer 28 Avr - 18:30

Yes, but they try to persuade people that it's natural. it is poetical but not for enjoying...

Thanks Dear Chennoufmed !
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Driss Boudhan
Driss Boudhan

Nombre de messages : 13504
Localisation : Nador
Emploi : Professeur
Loisirs : Musique,lecture,poésie,photo....
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2008

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Avr - 10:33

C'est peut-être un attrape-nigauds!
Une façon d'attirer le plus grand nombre de touristes dans cette partie du monde où tout est bon pour pousser les étrangers(les européens surtout) à y dépenser leurs économies.....quitte à leur offrir des mineures...
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Nombre de messages : 1664
Localisation : France
Emploi : aide médico-psychologique
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2010

A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Avr - 12:10

En effet qui serait assez stupide pour y croire ?

Vraiment la femme-enfant est dans ce pays (et dans bien d'autres)uniquement un objet de plaisir et ce pour assouvir les côtés pervers de nombreux Européens.
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A mon avis c'est sculpté... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A mon avis c'est sculpté...   A mon avis c'est sculpté... Icon_minitime

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